Womens Day Blog

Lose 3 kilos in one week with Intermittent Fasting

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Intermittent fasting is very trendy. Lose pounds without starving yourself, even though you don’t eat – that’s the promise. But how does it work? You can find the instructions here.

Celebrities and fitness gurus swear by fasting for a slim and healthy body.

Although the idea is not new, the 2021 weight loss trend is experiencing new hype.

You can find out exactly how intermittent fasting works here.

Intermittent Fasting: Lose Weight Without Starving?

intermittent fasting lose weight

Intermittent fasting is, so to speak, ” Fasting 2.0 ” – the only difference: Here, you no longer starve for days (as with therapeutic fasting), but only in a particular time window. Then, the remaining hours outside of this period can be eaten, as usual, called periodic fasting.

Intermittent fasting – the 5:2 diet

With the 5:2 method, you usually eat five days a week and fast two days a week. It is advisable always to put the two days of fasting on the same days of the week or at the weekend so that you have enough energy and nerves of steel for your work during the week. But you don’t consume to go entirely without food on the two days of fasting:

The following applies to women: a maximum of 500 kilocalories per day

The following applies to men: a maximum of 600 kilocalories per day

In contrast to other fasting variants, it doesn’t matter when you consume this amount of calories during the day. Nevertheless, you should use lean protein sources, vegetables, and low-sugar fruits such as berries or citrus. Of course, you don’t have to do without sport – but it is advisable not to do exhausting workouts or weight training these days. Instead, focus on gentle exercises like yoga or Pilates or moderate activities like cycling or swimming.

Instructions: This is how 16:8 works during intermittent fasting

The most general variant is the 16:8 clock. As the name suggests, care is taken to ensure that you only eat within eight hours and fast for the remaining 16 hours. Therefore, eating dinner early and having breakfast late is advisable. After all, the eight hours of sleep per night ideally count as part of the fasting period.

During this period, drinking plenty of fluids in water or tea (preferably two litres) and unsweetened black coffee is sensible. Coffee, in particular, is valued among fasting people because of its appetite-inhibiting effect.

Studies have shown that coffee is not as unhealthy as many assume. In addition, the recommendations of two up to four cups of coffee a day were raised. But beware: It is best to drink your last cup before 5 pm. After all, the caffeine stays in the body for about eight hours before it breaks down. Otherwise, you will have a restless night – and too little sleep inhibits fat burning.

An ideal 16:8 plan looks like this:

7 am: Get up, drink a glass or two of water and go for a short jog.

8:30 am: Start of work. Treat yourself to your first coffee or tea now.

11 am: Coffee break

12–1 pm: Lunch break. Eat a balanced meal with enough protein, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates such as fish or meat with whole grain rice or pasta.

1:30 pm: After-dinner espresso to revitalize your spirits.

3.30 pm: Last cup of coffee of the day.

6 pm: Start exercising now, preferably strength training or bodyweight exercises. Your body and muscles are being warmed up from the day, and you are at your peak.

8 pm: Dinner. Now go back to a meal of protein, vegetables and good carbohydrates. You can also treat yourself to a dessert made from fruit and quark. If you like to drink a beer or a glass of wine from time to time, you should do so now. Consumed later in the evening, it could severely disturb sleep.

11 pm: Off to bed.