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Womens Day Blog

Whole Food Real Food Happiness: This is how a Balanced Diet Works.

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Whole Food Diet – This year everything will be better – including the diet. That’s where whole  food diet come in handy because they rely on a colorful potpourri of fresh plant power. After all, it wouldn’t WHOLE food if you couldn’t draw from the full culinary range be called: hardly any other form of nutrition is so versatile and varied.

It is, of course, only an explanation. The German Society also recommends whole food for Nutrition (DGE) because it provides us with all the nutrients we need for life. Vegetarians and meat-eaters alike can be happy about this because although plant-based foods are preferred, a piece of steak is welcome now and then.

Anyone who eats whole foods can do something good for the environment simultaneously, for example, by buying local organic products and taking a look at the seasonal calendar beforehand. So let’s take a closer look calm at which foods end up in the shopping basket for a balanced diet and how you can easily exchange nutrient-poor ingredients for nutrient-rich alternatives.

1. What can you eat with whole food nutrition?

According to the definition of the Society for Food and Vital Substances Research (IVG), whole foods are very similar to their nutritional siblings, “raw foods”. That means that food ends up on the table as untreated as possible. Unprocessed, as many foods can lose their vitamins and nutrients from high cooking temperatures. To ensure that the food is bursting with nutrients, you should pay attention to careful preparation – keyword “slow cooking”. However, pan-fried and steamed dishes are great; not everything has to be raw.

In essence, the whole food diet is Lacto-vegetarian. In addition to vegetables and dairy products, meat and fish are also allowed – but no more than twice a week—another point for climate and sustainability.

But now to the nitty-gritty: Which foods make up a wholesome diet, and why should they be so healthy? We look at the most important food swaps in whole foods to answer these questions.

Complex carbohydrates for energy

Low carb is not whole foods. On the contrary – carbohydrates have a firm place in the full menu as energy suppliers. At least as long as they are complex carbohydrates.

Whole grain products and legumes are trendy because they don’t raise blood sugar levels and keep you full longer than wheat products. Instead of pasta, rice or light bread, it can be whole meal pasta, lentils and core bread.

Plenty of fiber for digestion

The fact that whole grains and peas are such great fillers is also due to their high fiber content. Raw fruits and vegetables can make a significant contribution. Due to the many fibers, they fill the stomach and promote digestion by stimulating intestinal activity. In addition, fiber slows down the rise in blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of diabetes. It is precisely the plant-based ingredients that provide a lot of dietary fiber. So if you want to make your diet more wholesome quickly, you can sprinkle a few flax or chia seeds over your muesli, for example.

Tip: To overwhelm the digestive organs, you should increase the fiber content slowly. Otherwise, there is a risk of bloating and flatulence.

Healthy fats for metabolism

The seeds and kernels for topping also have their benefit as good fats. Polyunsaturated fatty acids provide energy and help metabolize vitamins and other nutrients.

The reputation of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is best. The body cannot produce them itself but needs them as brain food or form cell membranes. With nuts, vegetable oil, avocados and algae, you are good to go. The wholesome nutrition by milk and milk products and animal protein and fat sources such as fish (salmon, herring, mackerel.

Tip: If you are strict, choose cold-pressed but unrefined oil, as industrial processing eliminates it as an untreated wholesome product.

Lots of vitamins for the immune system

Fresh fruit brings color to the whole food plate and provides the body with healthy vitamins, trace elements, and other nutrients. Make sure you choose seasonal fruit that hasn’t been transported forever. Organic goods also tend to be less contaminated with pesticides and may end up in muesli unpeeled (even if not unwashed).

Those who want to kill two birds with one stone rely directly on apples, pears, berries and citrus fruits. With ripe fruit, you sweeten the food simultaneously, so you need less sugar—a good alternative: honey.

Can you lose weight with Whole Food Diet?

People who change their diet often want to lose weight. Good news first: This is also possible with whole foods. However, a reduction in body weight is not a priority here. Eating a balanced diet is all about feeling lighter and fitter, it must be said.

How Can You Lose Weight Eating Whole Foods? Due to the tendency towards solid food, people automatically eat more slowly and chew more. That alone is filling. Add the many fibers and complex carbohydrates, and the feeling of satiety lasts longer. Because wholesome food is always intuitive food, it is also part of listening to your sense of hunger and not overeating.

In addition to all the food, you should always have a glass of water or unsweetened tea at hand. The DGE recommends 1.5 liters of liquid per day. It is also helpful with whole foods because the water causes the fiber to swell and thus promotes digestion.

Last but not least, exercise and sport round off the health-oriented diet. It applies not only, but of course above all to those who want to lose weight. Because only if you consume more calories than you take in with the wholesome but low-fat diet will the kilos tumble.

Bowls with bananas, pears, oranges, apples, pomegranate seeds, berries and grapes on a table. Raw fruits contain many vitamins to strengthen the immune system

Tip for a quick, wholesome breakfast

In the morning, in particular, you often lack the leisure to eat a long, balanced meal. Hence our turbo tip, which saves you time with a wholesome breakfast. No Added Sugar crunchy mueslis with whole-grain cereals, fruit or nuts – without artificial colors and flavors. With fresh fruit an excellent basis for a healthy start to the day!